Why I’m Voting for Senator Bernie Sanders in 2016 – His 5 Key Issues


Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont

People. 2016 is getting awefully close. However, unlike previous elections, we have a candidate who has delivered on his values and provides good evidence of such from his decade long voting record. We have a left leaning independent, who stands in favor of social issues like abortion and gay marriage, however also wants to keep god and faith in the public sphere. Although he would be very tough on big business, which I’m not always find of, I think this is necessary when the Walton Family is wealthier than 40% of the American population. And as well when 99% of new income in this country goes directly in the pocket of the top 1% earners. We NEED stricter tax laws on corporations, we need a more concise plan for climate change, and we absolutely have to bring down the cost of education. So here’s a short list of where the senator stands on the biggest issues facing our country in the upcoming 2016 election.


Education: Two years free tuition at state colleges. Reform student loans.

Sanders would provide $18 billion to state governments to allow them to cut tuition at state colleges by 55 percent and he would allow anyone paying off a student loan currently to refinance at a lower rate. This differs from President Obama’s plan since it would extend the two years of free tuition to all state colleges, not just community colleges. Consider that $18 billion dollars is merely a fraction of the amount we put into defense and with the military drawing down it’s own costs, there’s a chance we could pull this additional income to make up the difference. I often argue that education is the life blood of our country because quite frankly, something has to change when we’re trailing so far behind. However, I don’t think even this is enough. There’s no reason that any student willing to put in the time and hard work shouldn’t be able to go to school. Working a full time job and getting an education is manageable when tuition rates and student loans don’t take up 1/4 of your check.


Taxes: Raise some taxes on the wealthy. Cut taxes for middle class.

Sanders would nearly double taxes on capital gains and dividends for the wealthiest two percent of Americans. We’re talking $1.8 trillion dollars over the next decade simply by stopping Wall street banks from hiding their money in the Cayman Islands (this is a tax loophole), putting a .03% fee on capital gains (which typically aren’t taxable because rich people can get good accountants and lawyers), ending tax breaks and subsidy’s for oil companies (they could pay 1/10 of the national deficit alone), and taxing the wealthiest 2% of the country at 39.1% (it was 91% in 1945 and 70% in the 1960’s). Consider that people who make less than $36,000/year are paying around 22-25% income tax, so wouldn’t it make sense that someone making $10 million shouldn’t be paying 15%? (Warren Buffet). Get, here is where I draw one of my I my issues with Sanders either because of my love for the free market or ignorance of his entire financial proposal. I don’t believing raising taxes will do much since as I said before, people with money can hire professionals to find loopholes. So in my opinion I think a flat tax may do the trick so long as we cut the middle class a break or even divert taxes on people making $40k or less a year. Just a thought.


Campaign finance: Limit corporate and interest-group spending in campaigns.

This is a big one because it directly effects the potential for people to remain in power. This can kick the Koch brothers right in the nads of we can pass legislation. This is essentially where lobbyist are able to garner influence and get laws changed in their favor. Sanders proposes a Constitutional amendment that would effectively reverse the Supreme Court’s ruling to do away with ‘Citizen United’, which essentially told corporations their money wasn’t welcome in campaigns. This and other recent rulings have established that corporations and individuals are free to throw stupid amounts of cash to independent expenditure groups, now commonly known as super PACs. This is why the Obama and Romney election almost hit $1 billion in campaign funding. Sanders ultimately wants to overturn the ruling against Citizens United, re-establishing a limit to campaign funding and would also require disclosure of any organizations spending $10,000 or more on an election-related campaign. That means when Ted Cruz takes a $1 million check from TimeWarner to stifle our rights to open information, the public will be fully aware.


Climate change: Charge companies for carbon emissions

Dammit if you still think that climate change is a hoax or isn’t “scientifically proven”, go jump off a cliff. I’m serious. Make sure there are rocks at the bottom because you are literally slowing down our chance of survival. The evidence of climate change is overwhelming and there would have to exist a conspiracy of astronomical proportions if the majority of planet earths scientists were lying. I’m talking a bigger conspiracy than Roswell and the moon landing combined. Sander’s is considered to be a “climate change hawk” and argues that shifting global temperatures are a significant threat and caused by human activity. He has sponsored a bill which would charge companies for their carbon emissions (check out the summary in the link) and use some of the money raised to boost renewable energy technology. Yes, I can hear the argument already. A carbon tax means job loss. Yes that’s a definite possibility. Yet, experts will tell you that we have to cut carbon emissions by 80% by 2050 or else people may lose a lot more than their jobs. Sander’s proposes charging $20 per ton of carbon or methane, which would rise by 5.6% over the next ten years. The extra revenue we generate from the carbon tax would fund research and infrastructure for sustainable/renewable energy. We kill three birds this way, lower carbon emissions, create jobs, and take the incentive away from fossil fuel giants like Exxon and BP.



Iraq, Islamic State and Afghanistan: Opposed the Iraq war. Calls for troop withdrawal as soon as possible.

The U.S. Army has the upper hand on terrorism. The media would have you believe that ISIS and groups like them are one bomb away from taking over the world.  Consider that the government has called for a military draw down and that most terrorist cells are being dealt with via drone strikes. The human element is still necessary, but boots on the ground not so much and most terrorists networks have been dealt a crippling blow with joint task forces from around the world.  A longtime anti-war activist, Sanders voted against going to Iraq in 2002 and has regularly called for the U.S. to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and Iraq as soon as possible. Regarding the Islamic State, Sanders has said the U.S. should not lead the fight. In general, he believes the U.S. should focus less on international conflict and more on the domestic needs of the middle class. I disagree with Sanders in some respect regarding his policy towards extremists groups especially with the rising number heading to South East Asia and the pacific region. However, I do agree that terrorism isn’t nearly as threatening as it was post 9/11. I believe American presence is necessary to train armies in countries that insulate terrorists, but only by supporting their mission to combat it. Essentially Sander’s knows who the real enemy is and the hands backing terrorism.

“I’m sitting here wondering where Saudi Arabia is, where Kuwait is, where Qatar is,” Sanders said on CNN’s “New Day.” “I’ll be damned if kids in the state of Vermont — or taxpayers in the state of Vermont — have to defend the royal Saudi family, which is worth hundreds of billions of dollars.”



So if you’ve been following news about Iran you’d know there is a historic deal that could possibly help bridge a 40 year gap in communication about Iran’s nuclear program. Essentially, President Obama is trying to establish some good faith with Iran and the Iranian people are freaking ecstatic since that means tons of sanctions would be lifted creating industry and new jobs. However, thanks to some choice Republicans like Mike Huckabee, they have sabotaged this plan claiming, “Letting the Iranians have nuclear devices makes no more sense than giving a pyromaniac a can of gasoline and a box of matches.”

Let’s review the facts of the plan. It would require Iran to immediately get rid of over 60% of their plutonium, which is the amount required to create a nuclear weapon. On top of that it would also require constant and rigid inspection from the U.N. So although I understand the sentiment of fear that most conservatives share, I also know that there can be no reward without risk. And honestly, what risk do we have of allowing one of the most stable countries in the middle east to do business with us and the rest of the western world? Senator Sander’s was completely behind the proposal to build this burned bridge with Iran. The Jewish senator was also critical of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress denouncing the plan to regulate Iran’s nuclear program. Sanders was the first senator to announce he would not attend the speech.


Over the past 2 years I’ve done extensive research into political leaders and the issues surrounding their platforms. I’ve tried to put together as many pieces as I can from the limited information we have regarding their contributors and their behind the scenes effects. Bernie Sander’s as far as I can tell is one of the most straight shooting politicians I’ve come across. I don’t agree with him on gun ownership, healthcare, and some bits of his foreign policy. However, these are things I would be willing to sacrifice for the bigger picture that lies ahead. We face a huge obstacle of not only balancing the American dream, but doing so while keeping our planet healthy and sustained. We need a balanced leader. Someone who we can judge not based on sex appeal or charisma. But instead someone we can judge based on their actions. For over a decade Bernie Sanders has represented his constituents and the state of Vermont fairly and reasonably.

This guy’s got my 2016 vote and I would encourage everyone to fulfill their civic duty in checking him out as well as the other candidates.


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